How to crush laziness and get things done.

These habits will help you get out of a rut and start accomplishing your goals.

Haroun Chebbi
The Personal Growth Project


Photo by Graham Holtshausen on Unsplash

We live in a world today where everything we want is at a few clicks of a button, instant gratification has become the norm for today’s society. As a result, we feel more lazy than ever before due to the high stimulation of technology. We spend the entire day ignoring the important things that we should have done and instead , we give all of our attention to useless activities ( mindless social media scrolling , watching Netflix , etc.). The good news is that there are always ways to accomplish our everyday goals even in this era of information overload.

Here are 6 simple tips that you can start to implement from now on to help you beat this laziness and get things done.

Stimulate your brain by learning new things

You must always be learning something new (pick up a new language, learn a musical instrument, read books, travel to places you’ve never been to, etc.),
I know that’s easier said than done but just hear me out, doing the same things over and over again and not changing is problematic and will lead to no place good.

The brain hates new challenges because it interpreters them as a threat and activates your stress response. That’s resistance. It triggers insecurities, fear and anxiety depending on the situation.

Keep pushing outside of your internal limits by always digesting new information and doing new things. Trust me, it will completely change you for the better.

Wake up early

“The world belongs to those who gets up early — up to the minute while others do not wake up either”

Start slow, by waking just 10–30 minutes earlier than usual. Get used to this for a few days. Then cut back another 10 minutes. Do this step by step until you reach your goal time.
Now, you have to develop some sort of a morning routine, it could be anything (meditation, prayer, going for a walk , reading, making music, .. ).

What this will teach you is self discipline, you sacrificed a few hours of sleep to commit to doing the work. That alone will set you up for success in your life when done regularly.

Photo by Wolfgang Kuhnle on Unsplash


This one is pretty obvious, we all need to be pushing ourselves, especially as we get older.

We don’t have to exercise for hours on end. In fact, the workout needs to be intense and short(15 to 20 minutes at the most). Do Sweat it!

Limit fast food intake by adopting a healthier lifestyle

The occasional fast food isn’t likely to cause a problem with your brain, but regularly included in your diet will cause your mood to plummet.

For one thing, eating high-sugar foods is addictive, and pretty soon you’re going to want to keep eating the same sugary foods over and over again.
Instead of relying on fast food, fill your diet with vegetables, fruits and whole grains, all of which supply nutrients that you need for good health.

Boost your intake of omega-3 fatty acids by eating salmon once or twice a week, having walnuts for a snack and cooking with olive oil instead of butter.
Finally and most importantly, always stay hydrated.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Ditch social media from your phone

If you find yourself checking your phone way too many times throughout the day and getting distracted easily, then temporarily deleting social media apps from your phone is a good way to start.
What this will do is eliminate distraction, you will become much more focused than before and also it will free up time so that you can concentrate your attention on important things.

Besides, social media is teaching us to compare our lives to other people instead of being grateful for what we have. That will keep us in a state of envy , laziness, hopelessness and even depression.

“Comparison is the thief of joy”

Meet new interesting people

This is the most useful tip of all, surround yourself with people who are better than you. You probably have seen this quote before :

“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”

That’s 100% true.

If the friends you hang out with are lazy , don’t have goals and always have negative attitude towards life , you will sooner or later become exactly like them.
On the other hand, if you hang out with friends that are intellectual, passionate, positive, smart and successful, your only option is to be at their level at all times.


I hope that you will find these tips to be useful, I tried my best to keep everything short and as straight to the point as possible.

Experiment with some of these habits and see how you feel. I’m pretty sure that you will crush laziness and become more productive in the future.

Thanks for reading and see you in the next one! 😉



Haroun Chebbi
The Personal Growth Project

Software Engineer & Aspiring Music Producer — I write about productivity , technology and life.